...and for my very, welcome visitors a short (very short) bio and history of this site. Perhaps, some background on my influences in the field of Astrology would be helpful to begin with.
No way could I escape the responsibility of praising a few of my mentors, whom I love dearly, but have never met. Susan Miller, a name familiar to millions, whose wonderful story of strength and courage in the face of adversity was a force that guided me early on. Shelly Wu, whose fascinating revelations of Oriental sex and philosophy was invaluable. Gone, but never forgotten, are Professor Judith Bennett whose work in astrology, psychology and female sexuality has been a comfort and light to many, and Linda Goodman, beautiful poet of divine, unfaltering faith midst tragic loss. May you both forever dance among galaxies of diamonds and infinite Suns of gold in the arms of Everlasting Love.
Whether you believe in astrology (or not) is not the point. There is a not-so-good-natured conversation between astronomers and astrologers, and I'm quite sure the animosity in coming from the direction of the scientists. With all due respect, the scientists don't have the answers that astrologers do. Science, as ever, finds it impossible to believe that "Man lives by faith". However, I would lay odds that 99% of the most rabid anti-astrologers know their Sun Signs.
The simple truth is, science doesn't explain much about the real world,...not even gravity. As we spin around the drain at the center of our galaxy, the galaxies themselves are flying apart at every increasing speeds. 95% of the universe is "Black Stuff". "Black" as in, no one knows what it is and no one has ever seen it. But, astronomers still believe it. Now, that's faith! Besides, it helps scientists explain what they don't know (95% of everything).

So, why are so many people interested in astrology? That's easy. We all love to hear about ourselves. Simple as that. And, if you happen to learn something; dang, if that ain't Grits 'n Gravy!