Free Aries Astrology

Free Aries Astrology and horoscopes bring you face to face with the Zodiac's most active and passionate sign.

Aries is associated with the head, and people with an Aries sun sign are prone to headaches and injuries to the head and face. The association of the head with Aries is the source of the word headstrong, which characterizes people with a strong Aries nature. As the first sign, the key phrase for Aries is “I am,” representing the birth of awareness. Athough Zeus, king of the Greek gods, fathered many children, Aries was the only son by his wife, Hera.

This is one of the few Zodiac signs with a well-developed mythology. As the Greek god of war, Aries (Roman: Mars) was said to delight in conflict. He was also impulsive, often defying the fates. According to most accounts, Aries never married but had many love affairs, best known of which was his liaison with the goddess of love Aphrodite (Roman: Venus), by whom he fathered Eros (eroticism).

His nature was simultaneously brave and insolent, and in ancient works of art he was portrayed as young and handsome. Like its namesake, the sign Aries is youthful and impulsive. Arian nature can manifest positively as bravery in the act of standing up for one’s rights.

Negatively, the same nature can manifest as crudeness, pushiness, overaggressiveness, and even violence. Arians tend to be egotistical, though it is the unself-conscious egotism of a rambunctious child.

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