Your Free Aries Horoscope delivers the energy, freshness and Spring Fever of astrology's most vital Zodiac sign.
Fiery Aries is quick to anger, but just as quick to forgive. Natives of the first sign of the zodiac, they are often pioneers, but they are infamous for the difficulties they have finishing what they begin. They enjoy the excitement of being the first into new territory but prefer to let others map it out. Like all fire sign natives, they are fond of physical and social activities, especially sexual.
The sign that the Sun was in at birth is usually the single most important influence on a native’s personality. Thus, when people say they are a certain sign, they are almost always referring to their sun sign. There is a wealth of information available on the characteristics of the zodiacal signs—so much that one book would not be able to contain it all.
Sun-sign astrology, which is the kind of astrology found in newspaper columns and popular magazines, has the advantage of simplicity. But this simplicity is purchased at the price of ignoring other astrological influences, such as one’s Moon sign, rising sign, etc.
These other influences can substantially modify a person’s basic sun sign traits. As a consequence, it is the rare individual who is completely typical of her or his sign. The reader should bear this caveat in mind when perusing the following series of sun sign interpretations.
One traditional way in which astrologers condense information is by summarizing sign and planet traits in lists of words and short phrases called key words or key phrases.
Emotional key words: “Courageous, enthusiastic, imaginative, energetic, excitable, proud, impulsive, audacious, not domestic, hasty, brusque, sharp, passionate, quick-tempered, intemperate.”
Mental key words: “Executive, enterprising, pioneering, confident, ingenious, scientific, explorative, independent, expedient, precise, progressive or intolerant in religion [one extreme or the other], aggressive, competitive.”
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